rating for movie

The first movie to receive a PG-13 rating was The Flamingo Kid, though it was not the first film to be released with the rating—that distinction belongs to Red Dawn.

You can see a list of our recent decisions on our website.


R rated movies, as well as PG-13 rated movies usually contain a brief description of why they are given the rating they are.

Moderate bad language, and sometimes strong language depending on the context, may be used.


Movie - Official Trailer 00:56 Gumraah - Official Teaser 02:40 Bheed - Official Trailer 02:14 Operation Mayfair - Official Trailer 02:34 Bholaa - Official Trailer 03:11 Kabzaa - Official Hindi Trailer.

Also with Cynthia Erivo, Dermot Crowley, Thomas Coombes, Hattie Morahan and Lauryn Ajufo.


You can see a list of our recent decisions on our website.

In 1970, the age requirement was bumped up one additional year to 17.


Moderate bad language, and sometimes strong language depending on the context, may be used.

Boost Your Child's Learning Get a tailored learning plan for your child Complete the activities added each week Watch your child's confidence grow.


Also with Cynthia Erivo, Dermot Crowley, Thomas Coombes, Hattie Morahan and Lauryn Ajufo.

The Flash is set to premiere in theaters on June 16.


In 1970, the age requirement was bumped up one additional year to 17.

They reflect people’s views on film, DVD, Blu-ray, video on demand (VoD) regulation and are regularly updated.


Boost Your Child's Learning Get a tailored learning plan for your child Complete the activities added each week Watch your child's confidence grow.

They then embark on an adventure to find her and bring her home.


The Flash is set to premiere in theaters on June 16.

So much so that anyone under 17 requires a guardian to get into the movie.


They reflect people’s views on film, DVD, Blu-ray, video on demand (VoD) regulation and are regularly updated.

We review more than 60,000 pieces of marketing each year, including theatrical, home video and online trailers, print ads, radio and TV spots, press kits, billboards, bus shelters, posters and other promotional materials.

https://www.scribd.com/document/708987580/Phd-Course-Work-Result-Apsu-RewaThe first movie to receive a PG-13 rating was The Flamingo Kid, though it was not the first film to be released with the rating—that distinction belongs to Red Dawn.